I am a 4rd year computer engineering student at Balikesir University. I have an investigative and determined personality. I always try to improve myself and learn new things in the field of software. I have an intermediate level English.I am interested in back-end and front-end development. I have good knowledge of intermediate C#,Python and SQL. In additipn,I develop projects using C# ,.NET Core,Html,Css,JavaScript,React,Php,Flutter and Python.
Baun Artificial Intelligence Community
Volunteer Software Engineer
I implemented various artificial intelligence projects with Python & Java.
Balıkesir University
Bachelor's degree, Computer Engineering
Currently pursuing a comprehensive curriculum in Computer Engineering, focusing on a wide range of technical subjects and skills essential for modern technology solutions.
Asiye AÄŸaoÄŸlu Anatolian High School
High School
- 2D Bin Packing Problem
The 2D packing problem is a type of combinatorial optimization problems to locate parts with different shapes compactly in one or more master sheet material to minimize the occupied space or maximize the utilization of the material.
#Python#Matplotlib#Tkinter - NLP Project
NLP combines computational linguistics—rule-based modeling of human language—with statistical, machine learning, and deep learning models. Together, these technologies enable computers to process human language in the form of text or voice data and to ‘understand’ its full meaning, complete with the speaker or writer’s intent and sentiment.
#Python#Nlp#BeautifulSoup - Stock Tracking Project
Creating a simple inventory management backend app
İstanbul / Türkiye
Phone Number
(+90)541 329 99 28